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Got 15 minutes? Then let's get you results

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Learn how to sell and engage every day with Instagram Stories in less than 15 min a day

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Approved by 400+ businesses


Proven Stories that sell


Applicable for any business

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Watch the video below to find out how

If I were to guess what your stories look like today...

I would say they look like this:

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Post reshares with a big sticker saying "new post" (and that's probably everything you posted that day)

Showing your offers…But nobody ever clicks on your links (no matter how close to their thumbs you place it)

Sharing something you’re super excited about… but hearing crickets every time


Sharing testimonials… And then your views drop to the gutter.


Tagging people in chains hoping to support other businesses (and losing your own audience instead)


Putting question boxes that nobody ever answers (and you started to wonder why even bother)

The harsh truth:

These stories are making you lose clients.

If you want your audience to watch your stories and buy from you,
you need to use strategies that involve them and take them on a journey.

No more sharing stories that look like they came from 2020.

Stories are the quickest way to make sales on Instagram

But here's an opportunity for you:

Instagram stories are the simplest and quickest way to monetise your account and start getting results for the time and energy you invest online.  


While 80% of business owners waste time on Instagram stories, 20% use it to make money consistently. The difference? The 20% know they only need a strategy and 15 minutes of their day to make a sale. 

Our secret weapon to get you sales:

We turn your stories into sequences.

Instead of sharing random pieces of stories throughout the day, we use your stories in a way that keeps your viewers fully involved from beginning to end.
It kinda goes like this:

She’s at 18k followers now! (15).png

With Selling with Instagram Stories Sequences, your stories become impossible to be ignored.

Your Roadmap to Profitable Stories is here

Selling with Instagram Sequences follows a strategic step by step approach that guides you at every step of the way:

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This program will give you

A sneak peek inside, you say?

7 powerful sales strategies to sell on stories on repeat with ease (and not sounding like a car salesman)

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A full module to structure your Instagram highlights for conversions, trust, and enquiries. 
PS: It comes with exact frameworks and Canva examples.

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A full strategy to create and sell with Instagram stories sequences, with real-life examples from my clients and myself.

Includes the exact sequence that gave my client a $3k sale in 15 minutes!

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And a proven methodology that is used by more than
400 business owners

And if that's not enough, here are your bonuses

10 done for you proven story sequences to use daily

Modern Neutral Digital Product Computer Mockup Promotional Instagram Post (1).png

Value: €300

Yours for: €0

All you need to do is copy and paste these scripts with a few tweaks to suit your brand and done - your stories are figured out for the day.

This is a fantastic way to start posting elaborate sequences without spending your time. The best part? The more you do this, the more you will learn how to create your own sequences.


 20+ Plug and Play proven frameworks to sell, engage, and build leadership online daily.

These are individual strategies that can be applied anytime in your stories to reach your goals. Want to be seen as an authority? Check. Want to get more engagement? We got you too. Want to add even more powerful strategies to your sales stories? That's already done.

Value: €200

Yours for: €0

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Learn how to sell and engage every single day on Stories using less than 15 min of your time


The full Selling with Instagram Story Sequences methodology - €500
The step-by-step to build highlights that convert -valued at €300
BONUS: 10 proven sales sequences - valued at €300
BONUS: 20 Plug and Play frameworks to build trust, show leadership, and boost engagement daily - valued at €200

Total value: €1300

Regular Price: €397


(Approx. 297 USD)

Your Price Today

Your payment is 100% secure.



Hear it from the 400+ business owners inside SISS

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She’s at 18k followers now! (2).png

Here's what SISS has in store for you:


Proven formulas that sell: Get immediate access to 20+ formulas, sequences, and strategies that sell.


6-figure strategies at your hands: Understand high-level Instagram story strategies such as gamification, case study conversion, and more, and apply them with ease.


Sell without the ick: Learn 7 different ways to sell with ease without saying "buy my stuff" or sounding like a car salesman from the 90's.


Turn your time into profit: Create daily profitable Instagram Stories in less than 15 minutes a day.

"The only Instagram Stories program you will ever need"

pssst! My students actually said that!

With SISS, you will have a clear roadmap to turn your stories from "a checklist exercise" into your sales secret weapon. No more wasting time, energy, or money. Here's how we will achieve this together:

Earn Time: Eliminate all the guessing and go straight into

application mode with proven frameworks

No Excuses:  Having "no ideas" will be a thing of the past. We show you exactly what to create and how to create it to get results. 

Clarity is Everything: Following our step-by-step process will give you massive clarity to focus on your ideas rather than the execution.

Beginning, middle, end: We will show you exactly how to start and go until the end with each of our strategies.

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This method is for you if…


You are a business owner that sells or wants to sell online.


You are way too busy to create content, especially on Instagram stories.


You spend days without posting hardly anything on stories, and you are ready to change that and get results.


You want to learn how to create content that gives you consistent sales through Instagram stories.


You want proven frameworks to make content creation easier on stories and keep your business at the top of your consumer’s minds.

This method is not for you if…

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You don’t want to show your face (or your staff’s face) in stories. Ever. Not even with a picture. You can still apply the method. But it will be much harder.

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You don’t sell anything. This course is for business owners only.

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You want a design course. We are focused on frameworks, rather than design. If you have design questions during the course, we are happy to direct you to appropriate resources.

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You have less than 300 followers - this is not a strict rule but we usually recommend having at least 300 followers to start applying our strategies

Imagine this:

  • Never wasting your time with useless stories again

  • Knowing exactly what kind of stories will give you results

  • Generating consistent sales from your Instagram stories


And, of course, using in less than 15 minutes of your day and getting massive results.

Meet your Instructor

Hi! I’m May.

I am a content creation and storytelling coach. Over the past 3 years, I have used my decade-long teaching experience to help over 1100 business owners create content that attracts more followers and clients through a powerful online presence and storytelling that elevates their strengths. My clients' content has reached over 50 million views, generated consistent sales for clients, and strengthened multiple brands online.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Who is SISS for?
For business owners ready to use their stories strategically to build trust and generate extra sales regularly.

What are the payment methods?
Credit card, debit cart, PayPal.

How will I get access to the program?
You will receive a confirmation email from May, and another one from "Thrivecart". The Thrivecart email will have your exclusive registration and login link for your course.

Is the payment platform secure?
It is 100% secure, we use stripe and Paypal to process our payments.

I already post on my feed, isn't that enough?
Posting on your feed is great! But it's on Instagram stories that your audience that is most likely to buy hang out. If you're not using your stories to build trust and sell, you are leaving money on the table.

What will I get from this course?

You will get my entire content creation system for Instagram stories, with masterclasses and systems that will make sure you ALWAYS know what to post in less than 15 minutes a day.
The course comes with 18 sequences that fit both service provides and product businesses that will help you sell, build trust, and engage with your audience in your Instagram stories.

May, why not more sequences?

Because you don't need more ideas. You need structures you can use on repeat. After 3 years working with social media, I can guarantee you idea overwhelm is the number one killer of strategies.

Can I get a refund?

As this is a digital product, there are no refunds (but you probably wouldn't ask for one anyway) 

Got any questions?

Send me a message using the WhatsApp button below 🙂

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